3 Training Reminders

I'd love to offer some guidance on your training journey, whether you're just starting or have been practicing for a while. Even as someone with experience, I find these reminders helpful, especially when training feels challenging.

🧠 Your brain is built for movement 

Remember, our brains are designed for activity, not for sitting still. We actually flourish when we engage our bodies in new types of movement every day. If the striking techniques seem awkward or your footwork feels clumsy, it's simply because it's unfamiliar. Trust that your brain is capable of learning these movements through consistent repetition and practice. It's similar to learning a new language; initially, the words might feel odd when you first try to speak them, but they become more natural the more you use them. The same goes for physical movements—the more you practice, the more instinctive they become.

👸🏽 Repetition is Queen 

If you're new to training then you're in the cognitive stage of learning, where your brain is actively using up a lot of energy (brain power!) to understand and coordinate your movements. With continued training, you'll progress to the associative stage of learning, where you'll refine your skills through deliberate practice (still some brain effort on your part but less intense). Eventually, you'll reach the autonomous stage, where the techniques become second nature because they're deeply embedded in your muscle memory and nervous system. Achieving this level of proficiency requires patience, repetition, and being kind to yourself in the process. Here's a helpful video of one of the drills we did yesterday for you to practice on your own.  

🤝🏽 Your body is your ally 

Starting a new movement practice can feel challenging and sometimes frustrating. Instead of seeing our bodies as something to "conquer," let's shift the narrative. Your body is actually your ally, and it's been working to help you survive this world. It's full of untapped strength, potential, emotions, and stories, all waiting for you to discover and nurture. Self-discovery through movement is an adventure -- some days with blue skies other days with rainstorms, but ultimately, always incredibly rewarding. Be gentle and patient with yourself as you journey to uncover the warrior within.


Three generation ancestral pilgramage


Embodied wisdom is dynamic and fluid 🌊